We generally give gifts during Christmas to our loved ones and most of us love to receive gifts.

We present gifts to our family and friends. When we give beyond this immediate cycle, it is considered as charitable giving worth talking about, for example giving to the home less or orphanage in the society or community around us. Most charitable organisations appeal to our sentiment during this season to raise money or donate items for their charities. The spirit of the season emboldens us to show compassion and love to people around us. It is a good to give and we should do more charitable giving . However,the birth of Christ for whom is the reason for the season,is the greatest gift of God to us [ John 3:16]. It is a good news to the world. {Luke 2:10} The bible described Christ as Son of God who is truly unique, the only one of His Kind, who is FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH. Hence Grace and Truth came through the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 1 14-17 AMP) Therefore to be in the true spirit of the season is to align our heart and ACTIONS with his Love. The spirit of the season is to show grace, compassion , care, kindness and forgiveness to people around us most especially our spouse at this time . Our emphasis should be on showing and giving in the spirit of Christmas at this season which should not be in material terms only but through the love of God which encompasses forgiveness to others. How can this be achieved you may ask bearing in mind the the shortcomings of of people around us in the year ? This is possible by asking for the grace of God which is an undeserved favour which we have all received from Him as Christians. We are saved through Grace not our work, less any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8 ) Our salvation is by Grace and our continue walk with God is through Grace.Therefore asking for the grace of God for our transgressions and also bestowing grace, , kindness and forgiveness on our spouse and children is the greatest gift we can give at this time of Christmas. If you have been married for any length of time, to offend each other is common and if it does not happen , would be unusual. That is the nature of human relationship.

Whatever we consider as the many wrongs done to us , this is a time to forgive those wrongs in the spirit of the season with grace and be merciful. Sometimes we make excuses that we are not God, but He expect us to show similar forgiveness to our spouse and people around us.In reciting Our lord's prayer which many of us know right from our childhood days,"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" is one line that cannot and should not be ignored.It was put there because it is a very cardinal part of God's requirement from us as his children. He says let us approach the thrown of mercy to obtain Grace to help in the time of need. [Heb 4:16 ] How can we be walking and living in grace and yet find it difficult to show and forgive to our spouse to the point of two committed believers calling it quit with their relationship with one another. Where is the forgiveness that we have received from the Lord? Has His grace failed? What shall we say to people who have come to the faith of Christ? The faith in Christ is full of Grace and Truth. Even when it is very difficult to give grace which could be human, we can ask for more Grace to do the impossible [Act 4:33]. Also He is able to make all grace abide toward you in all things [I I Corinthian 8:7-9]. We ought to overcome evil with good. The evil that our spouse have done should only be overcome by the good through His grace. This is God manifesting Himself in our relationships. It is not advocating or encouraging that our spouse could indulge in any unreasonable behaviour so long as grace is available.The same grace is available to deal with such very difficult spouse. Let us be ready to give and show the spirit of the season to our family and when it is difficult we can ask His Spirit to help us . As children of God we live in this Grace every day of the year not just at Christmas. Let us give undeserved favour to our spouse more at this time of Christmas. Our ability to forgive and show grace is a testament that we are living in His Higher grace.

Ability to forgive and show compassion to one who does not deserve it is like a compass that helps us to locate our position with Him. If we are not able to forgive, it simply implies that we are not entitled to the forgiveness of our Lord.[Mathew 6:14, mark 11:26] Can any man live under the weight of our sins or offences to God ? May we all continue to abide under His Grace which is sufficient for us.