The society is collapsing because of failed leadership by men. Real Men lead their families. Real Men provide for their families, and when life happens and they can’t provide temporarily, they inspire hope. While Real Men cry, they never act helpless. They know their families look up-to them.

But Real Men speak out. Real Men cry when it hurts. Real Men don’t pretend they always have their act together. Real Men ask for help. Real Men get broken but they are never defined by failure. They surround themselves with other men of honor.
Real Men honor God. Real Men love their wives. Real Men are role models to their kids. Real Men don’t lose their families – they fight for their families. Real Men may lose a few battles but they win the war for their families. Real Men initiate reconciliation.
God intended men to lead. Family Leadership is not a privilege, it’s a divine endowment. It’s our birthright. Have you lost your birthright? While we don’t earn Family Leadership, we can lose it to addictions, irresponsibility and lack of emotional control.

My heart is moved by the things that move the heart of God. God desires men to get back to the steering wheel and lead their family, society and nation. But Family & National Leadership must be preceded by Personal Leadership.
Written by Dr K.N Jacob